
cloth peg Introduction

cloth peg is the main raw material of polyester filament fabric and home decorative cloth curtain off-season market,, part because small business operators under a single local counterparts abroad is still relatively limited, but each salesrooms orders shipped batch size each other now. Polyester curtain fabric cloth peg stock is now listed on the size of the batch interaction, cloth peg winter with a new style polyester bright FDY, semi-gloss FDY jacquard curtain fabrics counterpart varieties, some large salesrooms concentrated continuous stock market. Part of the front shop cloths latest development of creative flower curtain fabrics turnover batch size each other now. Recent partial thick curtain fabric dyed bright jacquard new varieties, bright jacquard printed varieties, cationic species dispersed jacquard or jacquard printed each pin, the overall market curtains spot market turnover target customers are still many varieties in jacquard, printing varieties based .

